Case History

Via Leopoldo Giuntini, 34/A,
50053 - Empoli - FI

Tel: +39 0571 542421

Labor Pro Srl

Home & Personal Care

Labor Pro is a young company, but with over 40 years of experience working as a partner for the main international companies of the field, in the selection, customization, and production of their own tailored products.

Clothing, electrical devices and tools are selected and "branded" according to the needs of the customers, with the aim of creating an absolutely unique product able to represent them on the market with the right "personality"... their own.

Empoli, a town in the heart of Tuscany, has been the optimal place for the development of the clothing line first, import-export and logistics later. Today, Labor Pro is active in many european and extra-European countries, with a timely and professional service.

Integrated technologies:

Logistics Experience - Labor Pro

Federico Martelli
Warehouse Manager Labor Pro


The numbers of Labor Pro






Prior to the implementation of StockSystem, there was no warehouse mapping, and goods management relied on memory and communication among operators.

Order preparation was slow, and the absence of assigned personnel could easily bring operations to a halt. Training new staff used to take months.

The growing popularity of e-commerce also made it necessary to speed up order delivery times as much as possible.

Following the expansion of the warehouse with the new Empoli location in 2011, the search for a digital warehouse management solution became essential.

The management software in use was only developed on the administrative area and did not allow advanced integrations or customizations, thus limiting the company's growth process.


  • Automate warehouse management
  • Speed up the preparation and shipment of orders
  • Streamline the staff entry process
  • Integrate all business functions into a modern, customizable ERP

"We started looking around to figure out what kind of system could handle our warehouse. We know people from neighbouring companies that were already using StockSystem, they told us about the product and strongly convinced us to start this adventure with Replica Sistemi.

Same with Navision: the Replica Sistemi Suite convinced us, since we had known the company for years  the choice was easy, given the good relations and the good work that we had being doing together.

We didn't regret it because first StockSystem, then Navision changed our work, it was a positive revolution of the whole warehouse."

- Federico Martelli, Warehouse Manager Labor Pro


  • 2013: Purchase of StockSystem and Voice
  • 2017: Purchase of Microsoft Dynamics Navision
  • 2018: Go-live of MD NAV
  • 2023: Purchase of D365BC APP Suite

StockSystem WMS provides complete, real-time warehouse tracking and allows even inexperienced operators to find their way around quickly and easily.

Integration with voice picking technology has played a primary role in achieving these goals: the Voice terminals learn in a very short time to recognize each operator's voice, regardless of accent. 

"I can put any person in the warehouse, they put their headset on and off they go, three hours and it's done, this system is just amazing."

Warehouse optimization has enabled Labor Pro to improve its main strenghts:

  • Speed of delivery: shipment within 24-36 hours after order arrival;
  • Assistance service: free pickup and replacement of unsuitable goods in 3-4 days.

Microsoft Navisionhas been implemented in all company departments: warehouse, administration, sales area and marketing and has drastically simplified and speeded up activities in each area.

The digitization process also led to the creation of a new digital marketing department.

The software has played a proactive role in business development: rather than adapting the product to its own needs, Labor Pro's growth has been planned according to the product's potential.  

"With NAV we have been able to do things that could not be done before. It has helped in creating projects that previously had to be handled manually. I think it has very 'pro' potential for the future of the company."   – Federico Martelli


  • Streamlined and improved operations in all business areas
  • Drastically reduced training time for new staff
  • Easy management of peak demands

In July 2023 Labor Pro signed a new contract with Replica Sistemi to purchase the Microsoft Dynamics Business Central 365 suite. Preparations for the migration to the new ERP platform are already underway.

"We always look to the future: once we are here, it means that the present has already gone well, so we are always looking to the near future, but that will make us grow in the distant future.
The future with Replica Sistemi will be bright, without a shadow of a doubt."

-Federico Martelli

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