Case History

Via Borgolecco, 9, 36053 - Gambellara - VI

+39 0444 640111
+39 0444 640204

Casa Vinicola Zonin Spa

Food & Beverage

For the Zonin family, the search for quality is the decisive factor in its production. A leading wine-maker like Zonin has the duty to seek new horizons to provide consumers with ever greater value in terms of aroma and taste. In regard to its wine-making techniques, Zonin has massively restructured its wineries, which today are among the most modern in the world, and continuously trains its personnel, starting with those in technical positions. Because, for Zonin, quality is a mission: to allow everyone to experience the best of Italy's wines.


The Zonin family's estates cover a total of more than 4,000 hectares, about 2,000 of which are planted with vines. Another 500 hectares, 90 of which are planted with vines, are located in the United States, in Barboursville Vineyards, Virginia.

The estates are located in the seven Italian regions with the greatest viticultural vocation: Veneto, Friuli, Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany, Sicily and Puglia. These are model estates, garrisons of quality and rural civilization, of landscape and architectural significance, perfectly integrated with the land and designed to preserve it: oases of tradition blended with innovation and modernity.

Zonin warehouses

The structure of the warehouse can be summarized as follows

  • Finished goods warehouse
  • Thermo-conditioned warehouse
  • Traditional shelved warehouse
  • Drive-in warehouse
  • Ground file warehouse
  • Raw materials warehouse

Search for Quality

For the Zonin family, the search for quality is the decisive factor in production. An absolute protagonist of viticulture, such as Zonin, has a duty to seek new horizons in order to provide consumers with products of ever greater organoleptic value. Thus began an impressive process based on two priority objectives: the renewal of vineyards, and the improvement of winemaking techniques. To achieve the first target, a massive work of vineyard upgrading began, with the planting of hundreds of thousands of new plants and the change of training systems. Alongside this technical operation is the desire to focus on quality indigenous grape varieties, to enhance territorial vocations, and to improve the qualitative yield of the great international grape varieties. As far as winemaking techniques are concerned, Zonin has carried out a massive upgrade of its cellars, which are now among the most modern in the world, and a continuous process of staff training, starting with the technical staff. Because for Zonin, quality is a mission: to allow everyone to drink the best from Italian vineyards.


Internal traceability

It is limited to the cycle of realization of the finished product and confined within the Zonin company.

Supply chain traceability

It is the defined set of organizations with related material flows that contribute to the formation, distribution, marketing and supply of Zonin products.


Zonin has solved the problem of batch traceability by introducing Replica Sistemi's StockSystem warehouse management system (WMS).

Initially it focused its efforts on managing finished product; in the future an extension of the system is planned to manage the picking of raw materials that feed the bottling lines.

The flows managed are receiving and labeling pallets from production , storage picking from traditional warehouse with refilling functions from stock and reserve positions. Shipping and travel management.

Advantages achieved with StockSystem:

  • Storage optimization
  • Optimization of packaging and shipping
  • Real-time event knowledge
  • Traceability and tracking of products
  • Automatic feeding of data to the management information system

With subsequent:

  • Elimination of errors
  • Decreased time for checking and stowing goods
  • Decrease in picking times
  • Decreased inspection time due to Pick&Pack mode


In automatic with labels printed and fixed by applicators directly on the production line.

  • Pre-labeling: manual wood labeling with Bar Code
  • Pallet-article association: automatic pallet code reading and association with article data in production
  • SSCC label printing: pallet code reading with article data printing on EAN logistics label
  • SSCC label application: manual


  • Identify in detail the products distributed
  • Know and update in real time location, quantity and detail data of stored products
  • Track shipped material and know its status until the outcome of delivery

  • Achieve internal and supply chain traceability
  • Optimize available space
  • Know the location and status of stored goods in real time

  • Facilitate inventory operations
  • Support goods preparation and shipping operations
  • Control the workforce
Information request

For any questions or information about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.