
Via Bresciani, 16
46040 - Gazoldo degli Ippoliti - MN

Tel: +39 0376 6851

Marcegaglia Spa

Mechanical industry

Marcegaglia is the world's leading industrial group in steel processing with 5 million tons processed annually. The group operates worldwide with 7,500 employees, 52 business units, 210 sales representations and 50 plants spread over a total surface area of 6 million square meters, where it produces 5,500 kilometers of stainless and carbon steel products daily for more than 15,000 customers.

Founded in 1959 and wholly owned by the Marcegaglia family, it has its headquarters in Gazoldo degli Ippoliti (Mantua) and is organized into 7 business areas: steel, building, home products, engineering, energy, tourism and services.

Information request

For any questions or information about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.