Case History

Via Monteleone, 26
37015 - Gargagnago di Valpolicella

Tel: +39 045 6832511

Masi Agricola Spa

Food & Beverage

With roots in Valpolicella Classica, Masi produces and distributes Amarone and other premium wines inspired by the values of the Venetian territories.

The use of native grapes and autochthonous methods, and the research and experimentation carried out by its Technical Group, make it one of the most famous producers of high-quality Italian wines in the world.

The Masi story begins in 1772, when the Boscaini family carried out their first harvest in the prestigious vineyards in "Vajo dei Masi", a valley in the heart of the Valpolicella Classica region. After more than 200 years of passionate winemaking the company is still in family hands, run by the sixth and seventh generations.

A benchmark in the art of producing Amarone at a world level, Masi constantly innovates and passes on its expertise in the Appassimento method, which has been practised since the time of the Ancient Romans.

Certainly the software is good, but this can be said of any product that is suitable for your industry, what is really important is to have a partner like Replica Sistemi who knows the issues, knows the customer and can advise them in the right way.

Stefano Ferrarini

IT Manager Masi Agricola

In 1998, Masi Agricola chose to adopt IBM's AS/ 400 system as the hardware platform for all companies in the group and, after appropriate software selection, selected Replica Sistemi as its technology partner with the SG 400 Cantine vertical software.

In 2019, Masi Agricola confirmed its trust in Replica Sistemi, migrating to Microsoft Dynamics NAV to manage multiple business areas such as: purchasing, sales, warehousing, production and bottling, cost and fiscal record management, and logistics.

  • Collaboration with a competent and specialized partner
  • Comprehensive and integrated software solution for different business areas

  • Ensuring future developments of the application as business needs and growth occur

From 1993 to 2003

  • administrative area (co. ge., analytical)
  • purchasing and warehouse area
  • commercial and promotional area
  • statistics management (excel environment)
  • resale and guesthouse management Serego Alighieri

From 2003 to 2008

    • administrative area (assets and ret. on account). Upgrade to acg web edition
    • production area and bill of materials management
    • cost management
    • warehouse valorization
    • statistics management (interface with B.I.)
    • outsourced finished goods warehouse management

    From 2009 to the present

    In the accessories and raw materials warehouse, it was important to achieve:

    • batch management and traceability
    • excise management, electronic daa, tax records
    • statistics management (new interface with B.I.)
    • web-based agent order management
    • software interface between as/400 and various
    • applications (crm, winery operations management software, winery traceability, document management, etc.).


    • Amministration
    • Sales
    • Warehouse

    • Purchases
    • Production and bottling
    • Fiscal records management


    • increased efficiency in the purchasing/sales area due to process integration
    • quality improvement in the production cycle

    • increased speed of response to market demands
    • modularity and the ability to interact with other application software

    Information request

    For any questions or information about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.