Case History

Via Statale 12, 102
41036 - Medolla - MO

Tel: +39 0535 49711

Menù Srl

Food & Beverage

Menù is a specialty foods company in continuous expansion. From the deli meats shop founded by Romolo Barbieri in Cavezzo (Modena) in the 1930s, the current company is run by Rodolfo Barbieri with over 250 employees, 260 agents and about 30,000 customers. More than 600 products in the catalogue, a plant extending over more than 45,000 square meters and 60 million Euros in sales. Departments and divisions whose common denominator is food safety and the search for quality, from ingredients to finished product, obtained through highly-advanced technology without ever forgetting the human touch. Customer service is an essential element that is, by now, intrinsic to the product itself. With the system for direct connection with the agents, receiving orders has been decisively speeded up. Upon receipt, it goes to the central processor for the standard checks and, if all the answers are positive, the order is already ready to be filled.

Integrated technologies:

Menù srl

Menù' numbers


Menù is a leading manufacturer of specialty foods for professional catering: condiments, sauces and creams, mushrooms, pasta dishes, prepared dishes, and desserts. Proper supply chain management is essential to ensure product quality.

turnover in millions


and more agents

sqm of facility

products on catalogue


Company and Supply Chain

From the charcuterie factory founded by Romolo Barbieri in Cavezzo (Modena) in 1932 to the current company more than eighty years have passed but with a real metamorphosis.

Today Menù, chaired by Rodolfo Barbieri, Romolo's son, is a company specializing in the production of quality food products destined for the Ho.Re.Ca. channel.

For a company in the food industry, the speed and accuracy with which it fulfills orders along the supply chain is a key asset in the quest for competitiveness in the specific market.

The goods that Menù produces are prepared to the highest quality standards, but to safeguard product freshness great importance is placed on

the speed with which these reach the customers' tables as well.

In addition to a smaller capacity warehouse for raw materials, Menù has a finished goods warehouse divided into two parts: an automatic pallet warehouse and a traditional shelved warehouse.

More than 20 percent increase in productivity and speed in order preparation, more than 60 percent reduction in errors, tracking & tracing of both raw materials and finished goods, and real time inventory. These are the main benefits achieved with Replica Sistemi's WMS integrated with Voice technology for supply chain management.

Emanuele Nannetti

Production Planning Office Menù

The new automated finished goods warehouse, rebuilt after the earthquake, is an imposing structure that houses more than 28,600 pallet spaces and handles 1,150 references and is constantly replenished on input from the StockSystem WMS, which, in addition to the traditional warehouse, also governs two automated vertical drawer warehouses.


  • Increase warehouse productivity
  • Minimize errors in picking operations
  • Tracking/traceability of batches and raw materials
  • Management of picking by expiration date and shelf - life of products
  • Reducing errors along the supply chain
  • Reducing order fulfillment time

  • Voice Hardware: 15 terminals Talkman T2X
  • Hand-held Hardware: 26 Honeywell HHP 9551 and 9951

  • Productivity increase up to 20%

  • Error reduction of 60%
Information request

For any questions or information about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.