Case History

Via Sommacampagna, 63/C
37131 - Verona

Tel: +39 045 9216611

Prisma Logistics Spa

Logistics & Transportation

Prisma Logistics was founded in 1989 by a group of partners with a solid experience in international forwarding and is located in the Interporto Quadrante Europa of Verona, the crossroads for logistics and forwarding activities in northern Italy.

Initially the 'business developed in the area of groupage shipments by truck and rail to German-speaking countries, and then turned to other markets and different types of services.

To date they offer services in import/export to and from 22 European and non-European countries in cooperation with 40 correspondents, air and sea freight forwarding, integrated and distribution logistics, customs and consulting services.

Prisma SPA



Prisma offers integrated logistics services by making use of adequate human and material resources to meet the most demanding requirements.

Goods are stored in ultra-modern warehouses with customer-dedicated layouts.




  • 30,000 square meters of modern warehouses equipped with CCTV and double alarm system: cross docking, customs warehouse and VAT warehouse, logistics:
  • Interporto Quadrante Europa: 5,000 sq m of covered warehouses, customs warehouse and private VAT warehouse
  • Verona Vallese logistics terminal in Oppeano: 10,000 sqm on an area of 20,000 sqm
  • Villafontana logistics terminal in Bovolone: 12,000 sq. m. on an area of 20,000 sq. m.

With the aim of offering logistics and shipping services designed to achieve maximum customer satisfaction, we make specific infrastructural and technological investments, including precisely StockSystem, which is the most important one as far as third-party warehousing is concerned.

Stefano Pasinato

CEO Prisma Spa

In 2000-2001, Prisma's management decided to improve some aspects of the logistics process to improve the organization and management of all logistics flows handled in its warehouses: goods entry, storage, internal handling, picking and inventory, to improve the service offered to its customers.


The goals of the restructuring project were:

  • increased performance;
  • security of inventories;
  • traceability of flows; and
  • seasonality management
  • sample management

  • management of accessories
  • elimination of the final control phase;
  • decrease in errors;
  • improved customer service
  • increased accuracy and efficiency

After careful evaluation, Prisma decided to implement Replica Sistemi's StockSystem solution in the standard version with radio frequency terminals.

The execution of operations in the warehouse is then entrusted to the RF system, which enables real-time transmission of data to the warehouse management system. Logistics operators work efficiently using RF (Radiofrequency) terminals interfaced with remote Access Point repeaters.

  • WMS: StockSystem

  • Hand-held Hardware: 25 terminals Honeywell 9951/9951 and 10 terminals Motorola MC9090

Verification tests of each individual function on an updated DB;In collaboration with the Replica Sistemi project manager, all the analyses were made regarding warehouse layout, types of materials, incoming and storage flows, pickup and shipping flows and integration with the central information system.

The analysis project was structured by identifying a figure within the company who, together with the Replica Sistemi project manager, carried out:

  • meetings with warehouse operators (especially in the last month before installation);
  • identified the start date.

Then the StockSystem software and RF terminals were installed, testing was done and operators were trained .

StockSystem manages all activities related to the handling of goods: from when they enter to when they leave, meeting all needs, particularly those of the footwear sector in which Prisma has numerous references, among the most prestigious brands.

Thus, the following processes are managed through StockSystem: goods receipt, storage, internal handling, material picking, revolving inventory, quality control, returns management and shipping.

  • Real-time movements and 'everywhere' information
  • Time and operator certainty
  • Timely management of replenishment between locations in the same warehouse
  • Sample management
  • Management of accessories
  • Accurate management of size, color, season, Made in.
  • Real-time warehouse queries also from the management system
  • Management of returns at the end of the season.
  • Management of color variants

  • Efficiency in the use of warehouse space
  • Quality control
  • Simplifications in the management of rotating inventory at zero periodic inventory.
  • High traceability of pallet handling
  • Abatement of the phenomenon of material breakage
  • Increased quality of service delivered to the customer
  • Reduction of errors
  • Increased productivity.
Information request

For any questions or information about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.