Case History

Via Firenze, 1, 20063 - Cernusco sul Naviglio - MI

Tel: +39 02 929021

Sagicofim Spa

Mechanical industry

SagiCofim was born in 2000 by the union between Sagi (a company specialized in aeraulic components production) and Cofim (Italian leader in air-filtering filters production), and is an international enterprise specialized in the development of products and solutions able to grant comfoty and air quality while reducing energy consumption and environmental impact.

SagiCofim manages three business units:

  • a climate-related unit (components for air conditioning systems)
  • a filtration-related unit (filters for air sterilization are produced in the Cernusco sul Naviglio plant)
  • an engineering unit, where ad-hoc applications are developed for the turbogas, hospital, and military markets.

Integrated technologies:

We achieved increased warehouse efficiency (+40%), reducer errors (-80%), and thanks to this software we have a secure mapping of products in the warehouse, which allowed us to optimize products location and stocking and picking time. We are happy with the results because the investment return only took 8 months.

Domenico Cirillo

Integrated Logistics Manager Sagicofim Spa

Case study Sagicofim - Voice Technology in the warehouse

Born in Cernusco sul Naviglio (Milano) in 1999 from the fusion of two two innovative leading companies ( Sagi and Cofim), the company immediatly became established as an Italian and international protagonist in the sector of air filtration, diffusion and distribution.

They provide, in Italy and internationally, excellent solutions and systems for air quality to customers that differ greatly from each other, but are united by the need to grant the best possible "environment" to their employees and their activities.

  • Surface: 3,500 sqm
  • Pallet storage warehouse
  • Picking locations: 800
  • Stocks locations: 2,000
  • References: 14,570

  • Lines out: 51,600
  • Lines in: 21,300
  • Outgoing packages: 18,900
  • Outgoing volumes: 50-100 mc/day
  • Ingoing volumes: 20-50 mc/day

In 2011, due to the high complexity of managing and executing orders and the need to rationalize warehouse room, SagiCofim Management decided to improve some aspects of the logistics process by looking for a specific software for production logistics. The departmental software needed to integrate perfectly with the corporate ERP Microsoft Dynamics Nav too.

The choice fell on StockSystem by Replica Sistemi, integrated to the SMA.I.L:) Voice module with Vocollect terminals, for managing all processes in the finished goods warehouse: goods entry, stocking, internal movement, picking, inventory, shipping.


The goals of the renovation project were:

  • Layout optimization and rationalization
  • Customer Service improvement
  • Elimination
  • Stocks security
  • Improved efficiency in the use of Human Resources 


The execution of warehouse operations is provided by the RF (Radio-frequency) system, which enables real-time data transfer to the warehouse management system. Logistics operators work efficiently in the warehouse using RF terminals or moving with free hands and eyes with Voice terminals (waist terminal, headphones and microphone), interfaced with the WMS through remote Access Point repetitors.

The project was developed in the following phases:

  • Analysis - October 2011
  • Preparation - October/December 2011
  • Test November - December 2011
  • Training - December 2011
  • Inventory - From 27 to 31 December 2011
  • Go Live - 2 January 2012

The analysis was aimed at:

  • Warehouse layout analysis
  • Material types analysis
  • Analysis of in-going flow and goods stocking by suppliers 
  • Picking flow analysis 
  • Analysis of integration with corporate management system Dynamics Nav

  • WMS: StockSystem
  • Add-on WMS: SMA.I.L:) Voice

  • Voice Hardware: 6 Terminals Talkman T5
  • Hand-held hardware: 6 Terminals Honeywell 9951

SagiCofim's Warehouse Manager and Replica sistemi's Project Manager worked together and shared their:

  • Ability to motivate Human Resources
  • Ability to handle change

  • Excellent knowledge of warehouse operations
  • Knowledge to retrieve corporate data and information, essential factors to ensure project success.

  • Increased efficiency in warehouse activities +40%.
  • Reduction of picking errors -80%.
  • Increased room saturation +33%.
  • Increased inventory precision +15%.

  • Stock-out / stock-over reduction -25%.
  • Increased rotatory index +20%.
  • Correct goods rotation management (FIFO).
Information request

For any questions or information about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.