
Via Sossio Russo - Frattamaggiore - NA

Solo 50 centesimi Srl

Food & Beverage, Home & Personal Care

Solo50cent is a company that has always been engaged in the sale of household goods, gift items, garden products, school products, basic food products and a wide range of other types. The Solo50Cents brand is now a major player in the low-cost world. It is distinguished by its continuous search for the right product to meet the needs of the consumer, seeking the best value for money and aiming to have a mix aimed at everyday consumer goods.

Only 50 cents has implemented StockSystem for warehouse logistics management integrated with the most innovative information technology: the Voice. The company decided to adopt Vocollect voice terminals integrated with the WMS that allow operators to use only voice to talk to the information system, speeding up picking operations thanks to the new Hands-free, Eyes-free way of working.

Information request

For any questions or information about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.