
Via Artigianale, 29, 25010 - Montirone - BS

+39 030 267443
+39 030 2677137

Turco Italiana Spa

Chemical, Pharmaceutical & Medical

Since 1963 Turco Italiana SPA has been developing and producing chemical formulations intended for cleaning metal, wood and plastic surfaces. Turco Italiana SpA's roots originate in the Aeronautical sector.

The Company, which works for the continuous improvement of processes and products, is inspired by certain fundamental values and aims to:

  • operate according to the principles of prevention and traceability, so as to provide a safe and guaranteed product;
  • rationalize business management in all its areas;
  • recognize a fundamental role for training and involvement of all personnel.

The highly innovative and technical nature, and its origins in the Aeronautical sector, have imposed - for more than 50 years - on Turco italiana spa an operating methodology, safety specifications and quality standards at the highest levels of the market.

Information request

For any questions or information about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.