
Via Lungolorno, 11, 43052 - Colorno - PR

+39 0521 816631
+39 0521 816772

Zec Spa

Mechanical industry, Industrial and Civil Plastics

First company in Italy to start, in 1961, the production of low, medium, high and very high pressure thermoplastic flexible hoses. The wide range of Zec products is now widespread in many sectors, including the very important hydraulics, pneumatics, lubrication, solvents and paints, gases, chemicals and high temperatures. The quality of the raw materials, the continuous investments for the improvement of the production cycle, and a constant research, together with the company philosophy that attributes to customers and suppliers the role of fundamental partner of the company, has allowed the spread of the range of Zec products. worldwide.

Integrated technologies:

Information request

For any questions or information about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.