Case History

Via Angelo Scotti, 2, 27100 - Pavia

Tel: +39 0382 5081

Riso Scotti Spa

Food & Beverage

Founded by Pietro Scotti in 1860 at a mill in Marudo: land of rice paddies, in the heart of the Po Valley. The business at the time consisted of harvesting rough rice from local farmers, for whom Scotti processed the grain, which he also marketed to third parties. The scenario is typically Lombardy at the turn of the century, with agriculture as one of the population's main resources and economic activities.

Riso Scotti today ensures continuity to the family business, respecting the experience and traditions acquired and in the continuous search for innovations and developments that will be able to meet the quantitative and qualitative demand of the market in the future as well.

At present, Riso Scotti distributes its products in 60 countries around the world, and 5 continents, being able to rely on solid partnerships with valiant local operators.

Logistics Experience Riso Scotti

Interview with Piero Carbonera, IT Manager Riso Scotti

In Italy, the Scotti brand is now synonymous with rice itself.

Founded by Pietro Scotti in 1860 at a mill in Marudo: a land of rice paddies, in the heart of the Po Valley, today Riso Scotti relies on the collaboration of about 170 employees (450 at the Group level) and is particularly committed to the organization of the business, which complies with strict quality standards regarding the raw material, the processing cycle, up to the storage of the finished product.

At present, Riso Scotti distributes its products in more than 60 countries around the world and on 5 continents, being able to rely on solid partnerships with talented local operators.

It is a family business that combines respect for acquired experience and traditions with the continuous search for innovations and developments that will be able to meet the quantitative and qualitative demand of the market in the future as well.

For Riso Scotti, warehouse management is a priority.
We wanted to choose a market leader to have the guarantee of service continuity for 24 hours / 7 days a week.

Piero Carbonera
IT Systems Manager Riso Scotti Spa

The rapid growth of the Riso Scotti Group through acquisitions of different companies generated an increase in complexity.

So in the year 2004 Riso Scotti decided to automate the manual warehouse management activities related to production by relying on StockSystem, Replica Sistemi's software for advanced warehouse management.La rapida crescita del Gruppo Riso Scotti per mezzo di acquisizioni di aziende diverse tra loro ha generato un incremento della complessità.


The main goals were:

  • the end-of-cycle tracking of finished products.
  • the labeling of pallets using SSCC techniques
  • the mapping of the warehouse
  • lot traceability
  • the control of vehicle loading
  • the control of warehouses c/third parties


The main problems in logistics flow management were:

  • the business is on a continuous cycle, and system stability must be ensured.
  • the warehouse is managed almost entirely on the ground, without shelving
  • the complex management of FIFO
  • the complex management of the lot
  • the complex management of contracts with the large-scale retail trade

  • WMS: StockSystem

  • Hand-held Hardware: 22 terminals Honeywell 9551

Initially, Replica Sistemi's project manager performed the analysis related to:

  • the warehouse layout
  • the type of materials
  • the integration with central information system
  • the input and storage flows
  • the flows of withdrawals and shipments
  • The project was concluded with software installation and staff training.


  • complete product traceability
  • real-time update and progress of the state of production
  • night-time Inventory control
  • stock check also in c/third-party deposits 
  • management of the correct product rotation based on expiry date
  • management of blocked product waiting to be released.

Information request

For any questions or information about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.