
18 June 2024

Strategies, innovation and sustainability: the future of logistics

Congress at Observatory Contract Logistics "Gino Marchet" of POLIMI

Replica Sistemi, Partner of the event, will participate with the testimony of the client Grissin Bon

June 18, 2024

The conference will be an opportunity to answer the following questions:

  • How much is the Contract Logistics market worth in Italy and what are the main trends currently taking place?
  • What are the main strategic choices implemented by companies to cope with the rapidly changing context?
  • What are the main directions of work for an increasingly sustainable Logistics?

           10 a.m.

  • Opening greetings
    By Kerakoll
           10:10 a.m.
  • Introduced by Marco Melacini
    Scientific Director of the Contract Logistics Observatory, Politecnico di Milano
           10:15 a.m.
  • Institutional Greetings
    Andrea Corsini Councillor for Mobility and Transport, Infrastructure, Tourism, Trade, Emilia-Romagna Region
    Elisa de Berti Vice President, Veneto Region
    Renzo Sartori Vice President and Head of Relations with Universities and Research Centres, Assologistica
           10:30 a.m.
  • Research results
    The transition of the Logistics supply chain
    Innovation and strategy for Logistics
    Logistics 4.0 and sustainability
           Damiano Frosi Director of the Contract Logistics Observatory, Politecnico di Milano
           Elena Tappia Director of the Contract Logistics Observatory, Politecnico di Milano 
           Best practices and case histories

           1 p.m.

  • Conclusions and final greetings

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