Planning & Security with EasYard YMS: Visit to COIM Logistics Plant
On Wednesday 7 June, from 2 pm to 5 pm, Replica Sistemi organized a visit to the logistics yard of COIM productive plant in Offanengo (CR), managed through EasYard Yard Management System.

How to safely plan and manage 110 vehicles
entering and leaving the plant every day?

Coim Group, an international company specializing in the development and production of polyesters, and polyols, polyurethanes, and special resins for the manufacture of composite materials and coatings, has chosen to implement the yard management system EasYard in the production plant in Offanengo, which covers a surface of over 280,000 squared meters.

A company with a strong focus on innovation with high-tech facilities, in addition to its investment in state-of-the-art logistics facilities, it has also strategically chosen to optimize the logistical planning of the many trucks and tanks that enter and leave the company on a daily basis.

Thanks to the multilingual terminal located outside the company, which allows drivers to complete booking and safety courses before entering the plant, Coim has streamlined concierge operations, reducing queues and waiting times for drivers and tracking who enters, stops and leaves the plant.
Security - Planning - Sustainability:
- 2:00 pm
Participants registration and Welcome Coffee - 2:30
Yard Management System: The «EasYard» Project
Paolo D'Adda, Supply Chain Manager COIM - 3:00
EasYard: SMA.I.L:) Yard Management System for planning and managing vehicles, goods and people in the yards
Alice Bistaffa, Product Development Manager Replica Sistemi - Zucchetti - 3.30
Guided visit to the logistics yard