What is Pick by Vision ?

Pick by vision or Vision Picking is the activity of picking, i.e. preparing orders, with the help of smart glasses to locate references.
Using these devices, operators not only see the warehouse, but also have access to information such as, for example, the references they need to locate, their location, and the quantity of items they need to pick up.
Improves productivity and precision in the execution of operations through work flows with hands-free guided actions

This technology, integrated to the StockSystem WMS, allows operators to work with free hands: with one glance they receive precise directions on how to prepare orders without wasting time consulting paper pick lists or on the radio frequency terminal.
With Vision Picking, operators walk through the warehouse localizing references indicated by the management software through their smart glasses.
In the glasses viewer, operators view indications by the StockSytem WMS: very clear messages such as the aisle to head to, the location to find, the items to look for, and the quantity to pick up.
Operators can confirm the action with a scanner they can wear on their hands.

Through the glasses, operators check the items they need to select to prepare orders and, at the same time, view whether they are picking the correct products.
Once the orders are finished, the management software informs the operators of the following steps: pack the products, place the corresponding labels, and take them to the loading dock.
StockSystem is integrated to the mobile computer Zebra with HD4000, the only transparent, wearable display designed for enterprises.

Wearable display HD4000
HD4000 offers extraordinary levels of color, contrast and image sharpness, as well as a focal distance optimized for head-mounted applications and designed to minimize eye fatigue.
The necessary components for the augmented reality function are included: display, camera, head motion sensor, and microphone. HD4000 weighs only around 28 grams, way less than any other enterprise-class wearable display.
There are no batteries to buy or manage, no wireless radios to configure, or operating system upgrades to install.