
16 June 2023

How to design the new EasYard synoptic panel?

On Friday, June 16, the project involving the development of the new EasYard synoptic panel was presented, thanks to the collaboration of six students from the "E. Fermi" Technical High School in Mantua engaged in the internship program "Alternanza Scuola - Lavoro".

At the end of the 4th year of the IT program at "E. Fermi" Technical High School in Mantua, Aprit, Pietro, Manuel, Ayman, Daniele and Davide were trained and guided for three weeks, from May 29 to June 16, 2023, by software engineer Simone Nicoletti of Replica Sistemi in the design and early development of the new synoptic panel of the EasYard software.

This activity is part of the "Alternanza Scuola - Lavoro" pathway, which is offered by the technical institute to give students the opportunity to experience and learn about the work environment they will enter upon completion of their studies.

During the first few days at Replica Sistemi, the students were trained in the use of the Web, the C# programming language, and database design and querying with a focus on SQL, all useful notions preparatory to software development activities.

From theory to practice

The next step was understanding the project they would be working on: creating a new synoptic panel of the yard management product EasYard.

Specifically, the new software should have the following features:

  • creation of a map
  • map editing in the same environment
  • inclusion of drawing and editing functionality
  • interactivity of the map
  • geographic contextualization.

Operationally, the boys were divided into two groups: Designer and Monitor.

Davide, Daniele and Ayman worked on developing the design part (Designer), while Manuel, Pietro and Aprit developed the consultation part (Monitor).

All the students expressed satisfaction with their experience at Replica Sistemi - Zucchetti, mainly for:

  • the calm and peaceful working environment
  • the opportunity to learn about the work world
  • the exchange with different professional figures
  • the training received on new programming languages
  • the especially stimulating company climate.

At the end of the project presentation, each boy received congratulations for his skills and commitment and a certificate of participation in the project.

Congratulations also go to the school and the team of teachers who prepared and motivated their students!

Students' testimonials about the Alternanza Scuola - Lavoro project at Replica Sistemi

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