
16 July 2024

Positive trend for sales, 40% increase in the first half

The first half of the year saw a positive trend in sales: 40% more than in 2023. The result is positive considering that companies have not benefited from government incentives to stimulate the digitalization of companies.

The WMS and the YMS are driving this growth, the market recognizes he high performance of the warehouse management system standard, thanks to the thirty years of development and the continuous search for innovation with the fifth product rewriting on the Infinity platform and the multiple integrations to the most innovative technologies, such as the AMR (autonomous mobile robots) for which we have partnered with the international company mir (Mobile Industrial Robots).

As regards, however, the yard management system, the choice made in recent years, to develop a product capable of performing not only the function of yard management, but also of time slot management, integrated and amuses field technologies, has made the software a highly attractive solution, which has no equal among competitors, in terms of performance. The YMS in fact integrates with systems of self registration, access control that allow to automate and speed up the activities of check-in and check-out in the concierge, with document storage and vehicle weighing systems that allow the driver never to get off the truck.

The research and development concerns all the products of the platform SMA.I.L:), in fact, also the TMS, officially launched at the beginning of the year, will soon release the new functionality of Carbon Fooprint that will allow to calculate the estimated carbon dioxide emitted for each shipment, considering weight, volume of goods, used means, fuel, etc.

We are also developing the web app for pallet management that will record inbound and outbound pallet flows, tracking deliveries and returns and reporting anomalies or breakages.

Replica Sistemi stage alternanza scuola - lavoro

Since the beginning of the year, 16 new people have joined the company, including university interns, students of school/work alternation projects, collaborators and employees who, In different ways, they help to develop the products of our company and to weave new human and professional relationships.

 The interaction with Higher Technical Institutes and Universities allows to broaden the horizons both in terms of research and development for products and virtuous business solutions.

Collaborazione di Replica Sistemi con bee.4 altre menti

And it is precisely through the academic environment that our young engineers have known the social cooperative bee.4 altre menti, operating within the prison of Bollate, with which at the beginning of the year we started a profitable collaborationthat led to the improvement of customer service, through a contact center service that allows people in prison to have a job, in a very important social impact project.

From a commercial point of view, new markets are opening up, especially in Spain, and partnership agreements have been signed with Iberian companies.

The goal is to sell all the software of the platform SMA.I.L:) through partner companies that know better the market and the needs of the production and logistics-distribution context.

The support of Zucchetti and Companial, in this context, is fundamental and strategic.

Equally far-sighted is the commitment of Zucchetti to encourage the companies of the group to integrate with each other to create a unique, articulated and innovative offer for both logistics and transport and manufacturing, therefore Replica Sistemi is committed to creating technical developments and commercial activities with the companies Sima, Cybertec, AWMS and Moxoff to create a virtuous technological ecosystem.

Next autumn we will be invited to participate in two important events aimed at promoting and presenting to the market the news of the world Zucchetti:

  • The journey of logistics and transport towards digitalization - 26 September - online event
  • Zucchetti Smart Factory Day 

Also in the second semester there will be many activities and objectives to be pursued for which we need constant commitment, ideas and the usual professionalism that distinguishes those who work in Replica Sistemi!

Information request

For any questions or information about our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.